Kirsti Wishart

Kirsti recently joined Bloc after a gruelling audition process, a nightmarish hybrid of Britain’s Got Talent and Mastermind, featuring a cameo appearance by Gavin Inglis as Simon Cowell.

She has Ph.D in Scottish Literature from St Andrews University but gained it such a long time ago it’s probably time-expired. She was once an editor of The Red Wheelbarrow and her short stories have appeared in Groundswell, New Writing Scotland, The Eildon Tree and on Laura Hird’s website. A chapbook entitled Dreams of the City featuring three Edinburgh-based tales was produced by Forest Publications last year and a few more stories appear in the The One O’Clock Gun anthology. She also contributed articles to Product magazine.

At the moment she can be found staring out the window while working on her second novel which features some useless superheroes. You can watch her read her short story ‘The Piss Artist’ here –